Is The American Global Empire Rotting From Within? … Or … How Long Has This Been Going On?

Professor Jerry Kroth of Santa Clara University has been studying the JFK assassination for several decades.  In the video below he outlines his thoughts regarding the most likely explanation of who killed John Fitzgerald Kennedy.  At the conclusion of this video, Professor Kroth summarizes his narrative with the comment that the United States is no more than a second rate banana republic, due to how its political economic elite and how its military industrial intelligence complex were all so unethical and so corrupt that they acquiesced to the United States Central Intelligence Agency and its mafia allies after the Central Intelligence Agency and its mafia allies murdered John Fitzgerald Kennedy and then also murdered more than one hundred American citizens because they knew too much about the US CIA plot to kill John Fitzgerald Kennedy.

In the following film, Douglas Horne discusses how the US Central Intelligence Agency took control of the Zapruder film and all the extant copies of the Zapruder film on Saturday November 23, 1963.  When the US CIA learned that the Zapruder film captured the frontal head shot that killed John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the CIA transported the original Zapruder film to a Top Secret CIA photography lab located in a Kodak facility in Rochester, N.Y.  Douglas Horne states in the video that the CIA photography technicians crudely altered and edited the Zapruder film, so that it did not reveal the frontal head shot and so that it did not reveal the two second stop of the Kennedy limo that enabled the grassy knoll sniper to accurately shoot JFK in the left temple.

There is a nine part series originally sponsored by the History Channel that presents compelling evidence of the US CIA plot to kill John Fitzgerald Kennedy.  (See link to episode #1 below) There is an especially chilling interview in episode #6, where a US Special Forces Green Beret assassin reveals that he was brought back to the US from a foreign post at the request of the US CIA, so that he could murder American citizens inside the US because they knew too much about the CIA plot to assassinate JFK.  The Green Beret assassin said in the interview in episode #6 that he refused the CIA request to kill American citizens inside the US, because when he was recruited into the CIA assassination program he was told that the mafia was typically hired by the CIA to kill American citizens inside the US.  “Banana Republic” may be too complementary to describe the American political-economic-intellectual elite and American political institutions.  What do you think?

George Herbert Walker Bush’s father, Prescott Bush, was an avid supporter of Adolf Hitler and Fascism in the early 1930’s.  In the early months of the first Franklin Roosevelt administration, some American Wall Street financiers (including Prescott Bush) and some American industrialists secretly plotted with a famous American war hero named General Smedley Butler to assassinate Franklin Roosevelt and to install General Smedley Butler as a benign Fascist dictator.  General Smedley Butler waited until the assassination and coup d’ etat plotters had committed to their conspiracy before he went to the US Congress and testified to Congressional committees regarding the assassination plot and coup plot.  Franklin Roosevelt decided to not prosecute the coup plotters, because it would have been so scandalous and divisive to arrest and prosecute some of the wealthiest and most influential American financiers and industrialists.  A brief biography of General Smedley Butler can be found at:

The video that follows describes the close ties that Prescott Bush and several of his Wall Street business partners had with the most prominent German financiers who were backing Adolf Hitler throughout the 1930’s.  Prescott Bush and several of his fellow NAZI sympathizers later became managing directors and senior officers of a large NY bank that was actually a front for the German Third Reich.  Prescott Bush also worked as a secret agent for the Third Reich, until J. Edgar Hoover warned Prescott Bush in early 1942 that the FBI would not tolerate Prescott Bush’s continued covert association with the Third Reich.  Prescott Bush’s overt and covert support of ultra conservative politics was later emulated by his son George Herbert Walker Bush, who had a long illustrious career with the US Central Intelligence Agency that culminated in his leading the CIA for approximately one year in the mid 1970’s.  The following video presents some of the background information on Prescott Bush’s association with the Third Reich and also some of the background information on George Herbert Walker Bush’s association with the US CIA.  George H W Bush worked for the CIA in a CIA Miami office in the early 1960’s.  While working for the CIA in the Miami office, G H W Bush was responsible for recruiting and managing the anti Castro Cuban exiles who were implicated in the J F K assassination by J. Edgar Hoover in a written memo dated shortly after the JFK assassination.

Kathryn Olmsted is currently the chairperson of the history department at the University of California at Davis.  Ms. Olmsted has a BA from Stanford and a PhD from U C Davis.  Kathryn Olmsted wrote a book in the mid 1990s under the tutelage of her mentor Dr. Roland Marchand, who was also a history professor at U C Davis.  The title of Dr. Olmsted’s book is “Challenging the Secret Government ; The Post Watergate Investigations of the CIA”.  Bottom line : The US CIA successfully prevented the US Congress from effectively investigating the US CIA and the CIA’s myriad assassination plots against foreign political leaders and against American political leaders.  Some of the Congressional investigations of the CIA occurred when George Herbert Walker Bush was the director of the CIA.  According to video taped interviews with many CIA officers who worked under George Herbert Walker Bush during the Congressional investigations of the CIA, George H W Bush directed the legal staff at the CIA to thoroughly purge all CIA files of any documents that could possibly be damaging to the CIA if they were discovered by the US Congressional investigators.

… More explosive information regarding the US CIA plot to assassinate John Fitzgerald Kennedy will be added as time permits. …  Keep The Faith. … The Truth Will Set You Free. …



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